According to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), liver governs the elasticity of tendons and vessels in our body, and spleen governs the strength of muscles. Usually people with varicose veins, have depleted spleen and liver although their blood work may not show any signs of poor function of their liver and spleen organs yet. Acupuncture treatments will target specific meridians to strengthen the muscles and enhance the circulation to relieve the symptoms, and with the combination of herbs to strengthen their spleen and liver. The treatments can both reduce the bulging of the veins and reduce the pain. For the best results, a combination of acupuncture, herbal treatments with the following changes are recommended:
Eating principles:
- Low sugar, low fat diet
- High bioflavonoids - enhances the elasticity of vessels
- complex whole carbohydrates, high fiber
- Protein 12-15% diet
- Low cholesterol/cholesterol foods
- Low sodium/sodium-restricted diet
- Vegetarian cleansing diet or short fasts
Food to be avoided:
- Meat, alcohol, hot sauce, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods, salty foods, coffee, caffeine, sweet foods and sugar, cow’s milk and other dairy products, white breads, processed foods.
Therapeutic foods:
- Foods are rich in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, Vitamin E, buckwheat
- Foods are high in water-soluble fiber: psyllium seed (flour or tea) flax seed, pectin, guar gum, oat bran
- Foods invigorate the Qi and blood, disperse stagnations: I cannot think of any as of now. But low dosage of baby aspirin or herbs that move blood could be considered. However, please consult with your primary care physician or an herbalist if you are considering that.
- Barley bran, eggplant
- Cabbage, also externally as pack
- Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries
- Horse chestnut - can also be applied tropically on the area.
- Billberries - support normal formation of connective tissue and strengthen capillaries in the body, and in this way help prevent varicose veins.
Fresh juices combinations:
- Carrot, celery, spinach, and parsley
- Carrot and spinach
- Carrot, beet and cucumber
- Vitamin B-complex
- Vitamin C
- Bioflavonoids
- witch hazel ointment - apply tropically on the varicose vein area daily. Not for internal use.
Psycho-spiritual approaches
The metaphors and correlations of varicose veins is that
- you may be standing in a situation you hate
- feeling of discouragement
- feeling of overworked and overburdened
From TCM psychophysiology perspective, varicosities represents a form of blood circulation being stagnated. The poor blood circulation could be derived from stagnation of the energy flow. As we have mentioned early, liver governs the free flow of energy and blood. The stagnation of energy and blood flow, reflects the emotional constraint, and associated the feelings of frustration, tension and a sense of being stuck.
- try to recite these affirmation daily
- I stand in truth and live and move in joy. I love life, and I circulate freely.
- Self reflect
- What is the symptom preventing me from doing?
- What is the symptoms making me do?